In addition to For You (your home feed), your Home carousel can house up to 10 of your favorite feeds for easy access. You can even reorder them as you choose.

Limit is 10

If you no longer have space in your Home carousel, make room by removing a feed before you add another one.

Add a feed in your Home carousel on web

  1. When viewing a feed (topic, Magazine, or profile), tap the ⋮ on the feed cover next to the follow/unfollow button.
  2. Choose Add favorite.

Add a feed in your Home carousel on Android and iOS

  1. When viewing a feed (topic, Magazine, or profile), tap the little arrow in a box at the bottom to bring up the menu. 
  2. Tap the ⋮ in the menu.
  3. Choose Add to Home.

Remove a feed in your Home carousel

  1. Tap the triple line icon to see a list view of your feeds in Home carousel.
  2. Tap X next to the feed you want removed.
  3. Choose Remove from home.

Remove does not delete

Removing a feed from your Home carousel will not delete it from your Flipboard. It will still be included in For You. Just not for direct access in the Home carousel.