We're sorry to see you go! Once an account is deleted, your profile, Magazines, comments, likes, follows, followers, and setting preferences will all be removed permanently.

Warning: Can't Undo!

Keep in mind, we cannot restore deleted accounts. There is no undo.

How do I delete my account?


  1. Go to your Profile.
  2. Tap the Settings icon.
  3. Select Edit Profile.
  4. Select More Settings.
  5. Select Delete Account.
  6. Confirm you want to delete your account with your username and password.
  7. Hit Submit. There is no undo once you submit the delete form!


  1. Go to your Profile.
  2. Tap the Settings icon.
  3. Select Edit Profile.
  4. Select Delete Account.
  5. Confirm you want to delete your account with your username and password.
  6. Hit Submit. There is no undo once you submit the delete form!


  1. Go to your Profile menu.
  2. Select Settings.
  3. Choose Delete account.
  4. Confirm you want to delete your account with your username and password.
  5. Hit Submit. There is no undo once you submit the delete form!

Lost Password?

If you can't delete your account because of a lost password, you can trigger a password reset email from the same page by tapping "Forgot Password?".