I forgot my password. How do I reset it?

We can email you a password reset link. If the password reset link expires, send yourself a new one using the same steps.


  1. Open the Flipboard app and tap Get started.
  2. Tap Log In at the top right.
  3. Choose Email. Enter your email address and tap Next.
  4. Choose Forgot username or password?and then Forgot Password?
  5. Enter your email address and tap Send. We'll email you a password reset link.
  6. Enter a new password and confirm that password.
  7. Choose Reset.


  1. Open the Flipboard app
  2. Choose Sign in with Email.
  3. Choose Forgot your password? and then Forgot Password?
  4. Enter your email address and tap Send. We'll email you a password reset link.
  5. Enter a new password and confirm that password.
  6. Choose Reset.


  1. Click Log in.
  2. Choose Forgot your password?
  3. Enter your email address and tap Send. We'll email you a password reset link.
  4. Enter a new password and confirm that password.
  5. Choose Reset.

I know my password. How do I change it?

Updating your password from time to time is a great step for ensuring account security.


  1. Go to your Profile.
  2. Tap the Settingsicon.
  3. Select Edit Profile then Change Password.
  4. Enter your existing password, then a new one.
  5. Choose Update.


  1. Go to your Profile.
  2. Tap the Settingsicon.
  3. Select Edit profile then Update password.
  4. Enter your existing password, then a new one.
  5. Choose Save.


  1. Go to your Profile menu.
  2. Select Settings.
  3. Choose Change Password.
  4. We'll email you a password reset link.
  5. Enter a new password and confirm that password.
  6. Choose Reset.